Ian Crook

Welcome to Day 1

of Deeper Weekend,

Ian Crook!

Upcoming Agenda For Day 1

  • 8:00 – Breakfast
  • 9:00 – Session 1 Balancing Super Abundance and Limited Resources by Jason Blumer
  • 10:00 – Sponsor Panel
  • 10:45 – Break
  • 11:00 – Session 2: 5 Productivity Practices for Leaders & The Leader Productivity Assessment by Jason Blumer
  • 12:00 – Lunch & Peer Conversations
  • 1:00 – Session 3: 5 Leader Productivity Values & Productivity Panel by Jason Blumer
  • 3:00 – Break
  • 3:30 – Roundtable Introduction
  • 4:00 – Roundtable
  • 5:00 – Wrap Up
  • 5:30 – Thriveal Sponsor Night Cocktail Party

Upcoming CPE FORMS

  • CPE #1

CPE #2

CPE #3

Check-in Online

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