Each one, Teach one

Event teaching
Live Summit
Venture Summit
Mentorship: Mentorship is what leaders do. Members of the Venture level in Thriveal specifically are leaders of teams. And leading teams with mentorship is where we can make great impacts on people, with the ripple effect of them then affecting other people, and so on. Mentorship is powerful.
Purpose: To mentor firm owners in groups, through teaching, and through leadership presentations that help Venture members navigate firm growth with real entrepreneurs in real situations, so they can then go mentor others. This program is for members, and is included in the top member level only.
2025 Theme: Leaders leading leaders

Event teaching
Virtual Hours
Mentor Hours
This is a quarterly 2 hour program held online. Preparation is required by completing the Prework sent to members in advance. Preparation allows the members to get the most out of the event.
Purpose: To allow Thriveal members a virtual time online to mentor one another. The goal is to work through their biggest current issues together. There is no teaching, rather this is where members bring their issues and the small group seeks to trouble shoot them. The event wraps up with a group share time driving home the takeaways. This program is for members only, and is included in the top two member levels.