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Only $250 to secure your spot.

Firm workshopping in community
Foundation Group


This is Thriveal’s foundational 7 month course for firm entrepreneurs ready to lay the groundwork to grow. Established in 2017, this course is an introduction into the Prototype Components Model for Growth developed by Thriveal, and requires attendance at 90 minute meetings each month, as well as monthly homework. Foundations members participate in a private community to mastermind issues together, prepare their homework together, and encourage one another. Prerequisite: the firm owner is working full time in their firm as they enter the Foundations Groups.


20 entrepreneurs per group

Work in small groups with other entrepreneurs over a 7 month period. The group leverages a curriculum-based course with monthly homework requirements. The purpose is to drive the installation of strategic foundations and habits in the firm and the firm owner so that the firm can grow.


11 Hours of CPE

Thriveal is a NASBA certified organization and provides entrepreneurial education to firm owners across the globe. All learning is entrepreneurial in nature and focused on growth.


Price is $495/month

Investing in entrepreneurial education for firm owners is paramount so that firms can scale sustainably over time. Technical owners need the investment of entrepreneurial education in order to build appropriate foundations.

Members of the Thriveal community receive 20% off of all programs.

The Details


The Foundations groups require participation in seven 90-minute meetings. Coming together as a group to mastermind through common struggles drives learning deeper into each firm.


Foundations members are required to be working full time as firm owners and committed to the growth of the structure of the firm. This commitment is what will allow the members' ability to sustain attendance and completing homework for all seven months.


Thriveal programs are based on the proprietary growth model developed by the owners called the Prototype Components Model for Growth. This is a model that provides structure, balance, and order to entrepreneurs scaling service-based organizations. You can watch an introduction to the model below

Foundations Groups Agenda

Part I

90 Minutes

  1. When? Every 2nd Wednesday, 3 pm, EST
  2. 30 minutes: Discuss any homework Q’s up to this point in the group
  3. 30 minutes: Teaching on a topic on the Prototype Components model
  4. 30 minutes: Ask a question of the group you can’t solve on your own related to your firm and/or the Prototype Components Model for Growth

Part II


Component 1: Client Focuses

Themes: Narrow & Risk


Component 2: Client Alignment

Themes: Choice & Onboarding


Component 3: Value Propositions

Themes: Website & Positioning


Component 4: Vision & Values 

Themes: Purpose, Core Values, & Team Alignment


Component 6: Market Rhythms 

Themes: Marketing & Content Generation


Component 9: Service Rhythms

Themes: Team Care Rhythms


How Leaders Lead Change in Firms 

Themes: Leadership


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