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Jason Blumer

What Will You Disrupt in 2012?

I was talking with a banker friend the other day about how his bank manages people using analytics.  They produce lists of lenders periodically...

Jason Blumer

Check Out “The Change Agent”

Did you know that I have a monthly column called "The Change Agent" in the CPA Practice Advisor? The column is focused on helping...

Jason Blumer

Thoughts on How We Change; My Reaction to Firm of the Future

After the most recent Firm of the Future Symposium, I have to digest what I've learned.  And I have to remind myself that learning...

Jason Blumer

Poor Management = Poor Customer Service

It's time for dinner and I run by to get a pizza for the family. The place was busy and I had to wait...

Jason Blumer

“The Accountancy Revolution”, Sixth in a 6 Part Series

The sixth and final part of our Accountancy Revolution definition found on the first post was summarized this way: “…paperless productions of varied financial reporting.” Here...

Jason Blumer

“The Accountancy Revolution”, Fifth in a 6 Part Series

The fourth part of our Accountancy Revolution definition found on the first post was summarized this way: “…which will ultimately become digital conduits…” Here is the...

Jason Blumer

“The Accountancy Revolution”, Fourth in a 6 Part Series

The third part of our Accountancy Revolution definition found on the first post was summarized this way: “…forcing the profession of accountancy to be redefined towards...

Jason Blumer

Client Experience Revisited

Did you hear the last THRIVEcast?  Have you figured out if you are a freakin’ carny or Disney? Recently, my wife and I were...

Jason Blumer

“The Accountancy Revolution”, Third in a 6 Part Series

The second part of our Accountancy Revolution definition found on the first post was summarized this way: “…allowing the former manual manipulation of raw...

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