How the Internet Works

Jason Blumer

The Thriveal CPAs had such a good time in Las Vegas this week. We learned stuff, and hung out together.  But what was really cool was how a dude named Lance Walley hit me up on twitter on the way to Las Vegas with a message: “Hey dude, I need to meet you!”  I didn’t know who he was, but I always say “sure” when strange people want to meet me when I’m out of town. : )

He said he owned a company that did online recurring billing for clients of CPA firms.  I told him to take a bunch of us Thrivealists to dinner if he wanted to meet innovative CPAs, and HE DID!  Sweet!

This is a story about how the internet works.

Lance Walley is the CEO and Founder of, a simple system online that manages recurring revenue businesses.  Lance took a risk in meeting me, and especially in taking a bunch of nerdy CPAs out to dinner.  But that is how the internet works.  It connects people.  Lance is a veteran serial entrepreneur, having started many companies in the past (some sold, some failed, some wins).  He said taking risks like this usually pays off.  It did!  Thriveal CPAs are fans now!  Woot! Woot!  Thanks Chargify!

The Chargify Team

Lee Corwin, Chargify Marketing Manager, Jason Blumer, and Lance Walley, CEO and Founder of Chargify

Chargify Bull

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Jason Blumer

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