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Episode 155


Building Corporate Models for Firm Growth with Jeremy Clopton

with Jeremy Clopton

Episode 130


Crypto for Accountants with Sonia Dumas, Part 1

with Sonia Dumas

Jason Blumer

Veiled Value

Entrepreneurs are so busy, so excited about serving their customers, that they often overlook value deeply embedded in their services. Value is embedded in...

Jason Blumer

Platform Thinking

Platform thinking - that phrase was in the title of a recent blog post and podcast on the Duct Tape Marketing blog.  John Jantsch...

Jason Blumer

Blow Stuff Up

Have you blown anything up lately?  Like your phone system, or your tax season process, or some new software you had to install?  Owners...

Jason Blumer

The Rise of The Lifestyle Firm

I keep a keen eye on how our profession is changing. The change in our profession really affects our Thriveal Network and it's members...

Episode 79


2018 Accounting Trends and The War For Talent with our Guest Bill Sheridan

with Bill Sheridan

Jason Blumer

Integrating Our Firm’s Processes

I just spent a couple of hours on a Saturday detailing out a potential new high-value process in our firm that we’ll be launching...

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