Accounting Firm
Growth Course
Welcome SCG Chartered Accountants! We are so excited to have you all in our Thriveal Course!
Hear more below from Jason M Blumer, CPA on what this Accounting Growth Course is all about!
19 lessons: 8 hours and 6 minutes
32 mins
Session 1: Principles of Firm Growth
2 mins
Session 2: Documenting Your Firm’s Growth Goal
40 mins
Session 3: Intro to the Journey to a Modern Map Firm
39 mins
Session 4: Firm Growth Ceilings
4 mins
Homework Session 5: Identifying Your Firm on Your Journey to a Modern Accounting Firm
38 mins
Session 6: The Strategy to Change Your Firm’s Business Model
4 mins
Homework Session 7: Identifying Your Firm on the Smile Curve for Accounting Firms & What to Change
44 mins
Session 8: Efficient Creation of Firm Roles
7 mins
Homework Session 9: Assessing Your Team on the Data Alignment Matrix
55 mins
Session 10: The Strategy, Training, and Deployment of a Tech Stack
10 mins
Homework Session 11: Establishing Bill.com & Other Technologies into Your Sales & Services
42 mins
Session 12: Leveraging & Launching into Client Accounting Services (CAS)
4 mins
Homework Session 13: Package and Program Breakdowns in Selling CAS Services
31 mins
Session 14: Pricing Principles: Part 1
27 mins
Session 15: Pricing Principles: Part 2
22 mins
Homework Session 16: Pricing Pitching Practice
26 mins
Homework Session 17: Naming and Selling Your New CAS Services
37 mins
Session 18: How Leaders Lead Change in Firms
13 mins
Session 19: Mapping the Steps to Becoming a Brand New Firm