October 22-24, 2025 For Deeper Weekend 2025! In Greenville, SC
August 13 – 15, 2025 in Greenville, SC
November 14, 2025 Virtual
Thanks for telling us a little more about yourself! We’re excited to have you on the show. As a note, this show is meant to be a conversation between the guest and the host. Don’t feel like you have to fill up the show with a lot of information. I will lead you through discussions with relevant questions and follow-up questions. We can talk about firm growth, the profession we serve in, or any ups and downs entrepreneurs may go through on their journey! We work with the creative podcast studio Pronk to manage and shoot our shows in their studio. They will be in touch as part of our process, and how to join us in the studio. Our shows will be aired as video and audio podcasts. This show will be fun and we’ll lead you through the whole process. Thanks, and let us know if you have any questions! Jason Blumer
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