October 22-24, 2025 For Deeper Weekend 2025! In Greenville, SC
July 17 – 19, 2024 in Greenville, SC
November 6, 2024 Virtual
This survey is created so that you can provide us with anonymous feedback about the firm. None of your answers or feedback will be shared with the leaders/partners of the firm. Answer as honestly as you can. Please grade the positive statements below on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being ‘no way’ and 5 being ‘yes, definitely!’ The statements are designed so that all answers trending towards 1 indicates a negative view of that statement, and all answers that trend towards 5 indicates a positive view of that statement.
There are open-ended questions at the bottom of the form where you may give us additional information. You may email Jason and Julie if you have any other questions. [email protected] and [email protected]
We anticipate these questions will take about an hour to complete.