Session 2

Documenting Your Firm's Growth Goals


Take this initial assessment and then document your goals at the end of this Homework document. Be extremely honest in this assessment.

Instructions: On a scale from 1 to 7, assess your firm. A grade of ‘1’ means ‘no, not at all’ and a grade of ‘7’ means ‘yes, definitely!’ Using the numbers, assess each statement below as it applies to your firm currently.

Our firm has taken a position to narrowly niche in a particular market, and we position ourselves online as experts.
Our firm has a low client base count, and we invest more deeply per client so that we avoid the chaos of a high transactional volume.
Our firm regularly offers highly specific services that are of higher value.
Our firm operates on a Minimum Access Price (MAP) model, where each client must pay us a minimum amount per year to be counted as a client.
Our firm seeks to teach the overall team to ask good questions and to lead client meetings on their own.
Our firm has roles that can handle the faster, more transactional work while allowing other roles to be higher level and more strategic with client service.

Now that you’ve completed your assessment, answer these questions:

Note the ways you can change Your Firm, Your Clients, and Your Team in the diagram below. Using the chart below, determine what you are willing to change over the next 6 months to achieve your goals?