1-on-1 Coaching Post-Assessment Survey

1-on-1 Coaching Post-Assessment Survey


Evaluate the following statements by responding on a scale of disagreement to agreement. Please grade below on a scale from 1 to 7 with 1 being ‘Strongly Disagree’ and 7 being ‘Strongly Agree.”

1. I have a clear personal and professional vision for the future.
2. I have determined the key goals and priorities that will help me make progress toward my vision.
3. I have created a plan to carry out those goals and priorities.
4. I am aware of the key habits, behaviors, and practices that will lead to (or detract) from my success.
5. I know and am developing the skills I need to achieve my vision and goals.
6. I have a defined strategy to execute those habits, behaviors, and skills (or to avoid them, as the case may be).
7. I am making significant progress toward my personal and professional vision for the future.