Resource Browser

Jason Blumer

The Five Dysfunctions of A Team

"The reality remains that teamwork ultimately comes down to practicing a small set of principals over a long period of time. Success is not...

Jason Blumer

Take Risks

We recently interviewed Josh Long, author, app builder, editor, and on and on and on. It was one of our better interviews on The...

Jason Blumer

The Importance Of Time

Is time important? (Pardon me while I wax philosophical.)  Most people would probably say yes.  Possibly, people who are worried or stressed find time...

Jason Blumer

How the Internet Works

The Thriveal CPAs had such a good time in Las Vegas this week. We learned stuff, and hung out together.  But what was really...

Jason Blumer

Veiled Value

Entrepreneurs are so busy, so excited about serving their customers, that they often overlook value deeply embedded in their services. Value is embedded in...

Jason Blumer

The Future of a Financial Platform Advisor

Let me walk you through a brief history of accounting technology.  As we review the past, we can hopefully extrapolate where the future of...

Jason Blumer

A Tale of Two Business Models

A friend emailed me the other day asking what I thought about his idea to create a new online ‘Accountant Marketplace.’ Sort of like...

Jason Blumer

Dolly Parton, Brand Genius

Maybe you don’t personally know Dolly Parton, but you do know of her, right?  I believe almost everyone in the world does.  She is...

Jason Blumer

Energy Futures

In the financial markets, "energy futures" refer to that elusive breed of investment instruments known as derivatives. The idea is that you can buy a contract...

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