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Jason Blumer

Last Week’s Leadership Lessons

I've had some successes and failures as a leader lately. I want to write down what I'm learning.   Here is what I'm learning...

Jason Blumer

The Rise of The Lifestyle Firm

I keep a keen eye on how our profession is changing. The change in our profession really affects our Thriveal Network and it's members...

Jason Blumer

The Zappos Business Model Experiment

Hierarchical models of management in professional accounting firms all over the world are being challenged by new ways to build a business. It seems...

Jason Blumer

Response to Jessica Mah, or “What Kind of Firm Will You be in 10 Years?” recently posted a great conversation with Jessica Mah, CEO of InDinero. Mah is in a business pivot, and the ramifications to the professional...

Jason Blumer

Work, Rest, Repeat

CPAs across the US are just finishing their tax season, the time of year known for long hours and compressed working schedules. Our friends...

Jason Blumer

You Are A Salesperson

One main job of a firm leader is to be a salesperson. This is at the heart of the main thing we do. And it's...

Jason Blumer

The 1 Big Secret That Large Firms Don’t Know

I'm a Peter Thiel fan. He is a contrarian, and there is power in contrarian thinking. In his book Zero to One, Thiel talks about...

Jason Blumer

The Elusive Search for The Firm of the Future

The firm of the future does not exist. Never has, never will. As my colleague Adrian Simmons says, there will be "firms of the...

Jason Blumer

The Future-Focused Firm

I'm reading Peter Thiel's new book, Zero to One. Wow. He is truly a contrarian as most of his ideas fly in the face...

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