
We make decisions with
data and research
We are armed with research at this year’s Deeper Weekend. We will go through recent surveys from firms across the globe on how they manage productivity, manage their team structures, and the firm sizes where they make these strategic changes. We know from consulting and research that all firms must change as they grow larger. The science will show that if you change your firm as you grow, you can expand profitably. But if you don’t, a firm can consume an owner and make the organization bloated and unwieldy. You will learn how to build a firm that can grow with intention.

We make decisions with
systems and experience
Leaders practice productivity in service based organizations. The presence of committed leaders is what sets great firms apart from firms that struggle. Leaders make the substantial changes that create productive and ordered organizations as they grow. This year’s Deeper Weekend Conference will focus on the 5 Productivity Practices for Leaders, as well as the 5 Productivity Practices for Firms. You’ll be assessed on where you stand in your firm, and you will look hard at yourself as a leader. You will learn to change your practices that will then change your firm for the better.
Deeper Weekend Schedule
Day 01
Wed, October 23, 2024
6:00 PM
BILL Welcome Reception at the 405
Day 02
Thur, October 24, 2024
All events of Deeper Weekend 2024 held at the 405
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Session 1: Balancing Superabundance and Limited Resources
10:00 AM
Sponsor Panel
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
Session 2: 5 Productivity Practices for Leaders & The Leader Productivity Assessment
12:00 PM
Lunch & Peer Conversations
1:30 PM
Session 3: The Brain Science Behind Your (and Your Team’s) Productivity & the Productivity Panel
3:00 PM
Roundtable Breakout Introduction
3:15 PM
4:00 PM
Attendee Roundtable Breakouts
5:00 PM
Wrap Up
5:30 PM
Thriveal Sponsor Night Cocktail Party
Day 03
Fri, October 25, 2024
All events of Deeper Weekend 2024 held at the 405
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Session 4: Firm Research on Capacity & Productivity
by Ian Vacin
10:00 AM
Sponsor Panel
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
Session 5: 5 Productivity Practices for Firms & The Firm Productivity Assessment
12:00 PM
Lunch & Peer Conversations
1:15 PM
Welcome back!
1:30 PM
Session 6: Moving Work Through a Team & the Productivity Panel
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Ask Us Anything Q&A – with Jason Blumer, CPA and Julie Shipp, Founders of Thriveal
4:45 PM
Wrap up
5:00 PM
Karbon Party on the Porch